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Report Abuse

When users first sign up with Webs, they agree to our Terms of Service. While we monitor thousands of sites each day and auto-scan for illegal images on Webs sites, we also take reports from public viewers. Violations we look out for include software piracy, copyright infringement, sharing pornographic material, defamation of others, and unsolicited email communication. While we are not responsible for users' behavior, we do take strict disciplinary action against offenders. Our mission here at Webs is helping people build great websites easily, but we also want to help make the web better as a member of the Internet Watch Foundation.
To report the abuse of Webs services, please complete the form below. The information you submit will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Please make sure the site you are reporting is hosted with Webs. If the site is not hosted with Webs, report the site directly to the hosting provider.
Have multiple Webs URLs/sites to report? To speed up your request, please submit all of the site addresses in a list using one form. You do not need to submit a form for each site/URL.

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